Paul Deming - learn to play guitar

Personal Statement

by Paul Deming

I am a blessed man. It’s not about financial stature or however many talents we can profess. What we are is about our choices and what we choose each day to give of ourselves to our loved ones; family, community, and our world. What we choose to believe about ourselves and what is possible in our lives affects what we believe about others and what is possible for all. If we are peaceful and happy in our own lives we will spread peace and happiness to the world.

I play guitar in a pop/rock band in St. Louis and enjoy the chance to sing as well. I especially enjoy it when people who might live inhibited lives Get Up and Dance. I teach elementary school children to love music and respect themselves and each other. Hopefully, I inspire them to Do More and Seek More. Occasionally I am welcomed to share my convictions at the Garden Chapel Christian Church in St. Louis, a church that welcomes, respects and acknowledges all known religions and celebrates this diversity because God Truly Loves Each of Us .

Whatever your passion, I hope you can See a Bigger Picture. We are here for a purpose. Musically speaking, we are here to Create Harmony, not discord. When someone takes an occasional solo, we celebrate them as heroes in our lives. Real beauty occurs when we each do our part, raise our voices and join in a glorious choral anthem that celebrates, honors and protects all life on this blue planet.

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